DMIT Report Benefits for Companies
Assessment of employees
Companies continuously strive to identify 1. the talents of the employees and groom them, 2. the required skill sets for the employees and train them in those areas. For identifying the above, companies perform psychometric test. It is a good way to capture the details about a person but how accurate the result is depends upon the state of mind of the candidate at that particular time and correctness of answering the questions. The result can have a bias and vary every time the test is taken by the same employee. Basing on such results the HR department and managers may not be able to understand the employee’s strengths, weaknesses, DISC profile, Emotional quotient, IQ, etc. properly especially for the new joining employees.
DMIT Report -Testimonial
How companies can leverage with DMIT?
DMIT can help reveal the inborn talents, inherent capabilities, interests, multiple intelligences, leadership skills, reasoning and creative skills, linguistic and emotional abilities, personality DISC profile, learning and communication styles. This will help the Human resource department and managers to select right candidate for the job. DMIT assessment for the existing employees will help identify the potentials and plan for job rotations, consider changing departments, etc. Employees with inborn leadership skills can be planned for career enhancement in management. Employees with reasoning and number computation can deliver better results in Analytical and financial accounting of the company. Individuals who are good in creativity can better suit in research, good in linguistic and interpersonal skills can suit in Sales and marketing, etc. DMIT helps replacing the psychometry test which is biased on the answers of the individual. It is done by analyzing the fingerprints of the individuals. hence the report will be unbiased and consistent.
DMIT Report – Testimonial
DMIT analysis is a scientific analysis done by capturing and analyzing the fingerprints of an individual. This scientific analysis is used by scientists in neurology, embryology in medical field in diagnosing and identifying several inherent brain capabilities. A few aspects of this analysis which can be used for every individual to know and capitalize on them are captured in this DMIT report. It is an accurate report which doesn’t require an individual’s oral or verbal input to prepare the report. It is prepared only by analyzing the fingerprints of the individual by the counsellor.
DMIT Report – Testimonial
What DMIT reveals?
Strength of various brain lobes working for various functions like observation, listening, speech, creativity, logics, body/muscle strength, etc.
- Left Brain and Right Brain distribution
- Learning Sensitivity or Learning Speed
- Multiple Quotient
- Distribution – EQ, IQ, AQ & CQ
- Personality trait – DISC Profile
- Communication Styles
- Learning Styles – learns by seeing, listening or experiencing
- Multiple Intelligences like music, nature, language ability,…
- Extracurricular activities – best and needed
- Career options – Various suitable professions
DMIT Reports – Testimonial
What we can understand about ourselves?
We can clearly understand about our
- Inborn Talents
- Inherent capabilities
- God gifted potentials by birth.
- Strengths and areas to improve
- Reasoning and Creativity skills
- Leadership skills and Self-Management
- Linguistic, visual and artistic abilities
- Interpersonal and Intrapersonal skills
- Gross Motor & Fine motor proficiency